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I am the current leader of this United Nations program. Our mission, as you may already know, has remained unchanged since it was first outlined by the United States President Wendell Willkie in 1941:

1. Discover Anomalies

2. Capture Anomalies

3. Study and Classify Anomalies

4. And, If Possible and Required, Destroy Anomalies

Now, a bit of history. This great organization was initially founded just three (3) days after the Armorian Empire started the War of Armorian Agression by staging multiple attacks on nations around the world. Specifically, this was three days after December 7, 1941, the event known as Pearl Harbor. Now, this is classified information, but you need to know... Pearl Harbor wasn't bombed. It was annihilated by seven (7) anomalies, in service of the Armorians. This secret has been kept for nearly eighty-three (83) years. The important bit, however, is that this first encounter by the United States of anomalous entities that proved incredibly violent gave birth, so to speak, to this organization.

Eventually, by 1945, all twenty (20) anomalies used by the Armorians in their war effort, both sentient and non-sentient, were captured, studied, and, when possible, destroyed. The seven (7) sentient anomalies that Armoria possessed and used to obliterate Pearl Harbor are have since been captured, contained, studied, and destroyed.

Since then, we have encountered, and captured, many more anomalies, and this archive shall provide you with the information needed to conduct your research.

-Dr. Nikolai Sokolov, Administrator


Morpheus Initiative Archive v1.0 - HTML 520 kB

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